Strategic Sustainability

Expertise Meets Innovation

Corporations seek a clear, cost-effective path toward profitable sustainability. Wagner Carbon and our affiliates offer a way forward with the generation of environmental attributes (EAs). 

EAs represent quantifiable emissions reductions or environmental benefits attributable to a specific project. Because EA’s have a financial value, it gives GHG emitters a strong incentive to reduce emissions. For the buyer, EAs provide a means for companies to meet climate goals affordably. For the seller, EA revenue makes the project investment worthwhile.

Anatomy of Project Development & EA Investments

Wagner Carbon only generates EAs from high quality projects where greenhouse gas reductions are real, additional, permanent and verifiable.

  • Wagner Carbon is working with multiple companies to evaluate their GHG emissions and the associated risks. Wagner Carbon is able to offer funding options and execution strategies that reduce emissions while generating monetizable environmental attributes.

  • Every strategic evaluation starts with collecting data. Our teams are experts in balancing the strengths, weaknesses, and variabilities that go with GHG measurements. With data in hand, we can determine the optimal approach to tackle emission risks.

  • With our experience developing projects and understanding of the EA auditing process, our team can collaborate during the development and installation of projects to ensure optimal sensor and data collection implementation. We have seen countless examples where overlooking a seemingly minor detail can lead to substantial rework and loss of years of EA receipt.

  • Team members have experience in writing methodologies for listing on internationally recognized carbon credit registries. Our team was instrumental in writing and promoting compliance methodologies used by the California Air and Resource Board (CARB) to certify methane destruction from underground coal mines. We are helping other clients develop methodologies for the voluntary carbon markets addressing technologies that reduce consumption of fossil fuel and decrease greenhouse gas emissions, while maintaining or improving performance.

  • Developing a GHG reduction project, verifying the results, and managing voluntary & compliance EAs through an independently audited process is a complicated, precise, time consuming, gauntlet to run. Our team has decades of experience in running this gauntlet. We have sold over 6 million credits and our fund has already invested in projects that will receive over 2 million credits annually.

Explore EA Opportunities with Wagner Carbon