Industries We Serve

Helping Companies Create Measurable Progress Toward ROI,
Sustainability and Climate Goals

Industries that have withstood the test of time face a relatively new challenge today–addressing climate change. Wagner Carbon guides companies in this new phase of operations, offering innovative solutions that:

  • Offer companies autonomy to make important business decisions.

  • Create opportunities to expand into new markets.

  • Support entrepreneurs as they develop solutions.

Our investments provide a wide range of industries a strategic path toward a cleaner climate future. 

Case Study: Coal Mining Emission Reductions Mining Industry

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas released from rock strata during mining activities. Regulations require venting coal mine methane to the surface, adding to the global warming impact of this fossil fuel.

Wagner Carbon affiliate ECC saw an opportunity. They designed and created a proprietary Mine Emissions Control System (MECS), which oxidizes methane emissions and reduces the mine’s overall GHG emissions. Our Methane Emission Control System is the only technology approved by MSHA and PADEP for remote, autonomous deployment on active underground mines.

The results to date:

  • More than 120,000 hours of incident free operations.

  • Generated 60% of the compliance carbon offsets from mine methane in the U.S.

  • Reduced emissions equivalent to taking 1 million cars off the road for a year.

Other Areas of Focus

  • Industrial

  • Marine